CCM Axis 1.5 Catcher Junior
Goalie Hand
Regular = Catcher on left hand
Full Right = Catcher on right hand
Experience the lightweight protection and coverage of the new axis A1.5 glove. Engineered for a game-ready feel, you’ll be making glove saves all day long.
CUFF/THUMBOne-Piece for maximum coverage.
PALM STIFFNESSGame-ready fit for an easy break-in.
WRIST STRAPQuick release webbing strap. Easy and secure adjustment.
POCKETDouble-straight tee. Better puck absorption and tracking.
BACKHAND GUARDLow-density finger padding. Impact protection.
INNER PALM.Flet/foam for a game-ready flex.
FINGER STALLSNash. Comfort and easy release.